• Systematic data collection to evaluate children's oral health outcomes

  • Data dissemination to stakeholders, program planners and policy makers

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  • Development of resources, quality improvement and sustainability of city-wide oral health services

Evaluation Team

Establish an ongoing oral health population-based surveillance system to address the oral health of San Francisco children and track our 2020 Strategic Plan Indicators.


of kindergartners with dental caries experience (reduce from 39% in 2011-2012)


difference between kindergartners of color and white kindergartners' caries experience (reduce from 20% in 2011-2012)


of children on Medi-Cal who have seen a dental provider by age 2 (increase from less than 27% in 2016)

  • Increase human resources in San Francisco for children's oral health data collection, analysis and dissemination

    Secure personnel in agencies across San Francisco with dedicated time for children's oral health data

  • Identify and prioritize oral health status indicators to be assessed, frequency of collection and population groups to be assessed in support of the Strategic Plan

    Revise the surveillance plan document annually to facilitate interpretation of trends over time

    Strategic Plan
  • Coordinate and align quality improvement, evaluation and research projects that aim to improve children's oral health in San Francisco.

    Support research to enhance the oral health of children and their families

  • Develop and maintain data systems, software and hardware infrastructure for data collection, analysis and dissemination

    Develop mechanisms to regularly standardize, collect and share data across intitutions

  • Document and disseminate annual Strategic Plan progress reports to key stakeholders

    Build understanding of the importance of oral health and inform intervention development and program planning

Join the Evaluation Team

Get involved with our Evaluation Team and join the amazing people making a difference in our city.

Please contact Aira Villareal to join the Evaluation Team.

[email protected]


CavityFree SF