Access-Traditional Team

We will significantly expand children’s and pregnant women’s access to dental services by increasing the number of safety net dental providers serving low-income children and those with special health needs, and by expanding care coordination.

  • Increase care coordination for children identified with dental treatment needs, prioritizing those from our priority populations.

    We will standardize protocols with input from caregivers, for care coordination from medical and school-based referrals to a dental office, from first appointment to completed treatment.

  • Increase the number of private dentists who accept Medi-Cal and build the capacity of dentists who already accept Medi-Cal to provide services to children.

    We will promote current resources incentivizing dentists to accept Medi-Cal patients, focusing on neighborhoods with high Medi-Cal enrollment and limited dental resources.

  • Increase the child-friendliness, cultural humility, and linguistic proficiency among dental health professionals providing care to our priority populations in SF.

    We will identify or develop training modules and train dental providers to increase equitable delivery of care utilizing community-based research to design culturally appropriate techniques.

  • Expand dental services for children with special health needs (CSHN), particularly those in communities with the highest oral health burden.

    We will engage caregivers and healthcare providers of CSHN to identify and address barriers CSHN face in receiving dental care early and often.

Join the Access-Traditional Team

Get involved with our Access-Traditional Team and join the amazing people making a difference in our city.

Please contact Irene Hilton to join the Access-Traditional Team.

[email protected]


CavityFree SF