We do what it takes to protect our children's oral health....
Story from a Middle School Student
“It was fun. They were nice. My teeth feel amazing. Now I know what to do at night and how to do it. I want to go back. I wish they could come to my house. Going to a regular dentist is scary. With all those big machines, those are scary. Here it is very comfortable. I was scared but not anymore.”
– SFUSD MLK Jr Middle School 6th Grader
Perspective from a School Administrator
“Having dental services provided on site has been a huge service for our students and families. Now they can get their teeth cleaned by someone they see on campus and have a relationship with. This helps alleviate a lot of the fears many of our students have. Family members also do not have to take off time from work to take their children to a dentist across town (since there are so few dentists in the SouthEast sector of SF). Students are also only missing one period instead of hours to get their teeth checked. We are so indebted to University of Pacific for providing this vital service to our youth and families.”
– Leslie Hu, MSW, Community School Coordinator, MLK Jr Middle School
A School Nurse’s Experience
“For almost 3 decades as a School Nurse in San Francisco, I have had the privilege of getting to know many of our community health partners dedicated to improving the lives of SF children. Dental providers have been especially remarkable in the constancy of service over decades. Staff from the Department of Public Health in partnership with SF Dental Society dentist have been providing Oral Health screenings for all of our Kindergarten students. I love seeing elementary students excited about their teeth and classrooms that engage in daily brushing after lunch following visits from high school students considering dental careers.”
– Cathi Fuller, SFUSD School Nurse
Having dental services provided on site has been a huge service for our students and families…Family members don't have to take time off from work to bring their children to a dentist across town (since there are so few dentists in the South East sector of SF). Also, students only miss one period instead of hours to get their teeth checked.
- Leslie Hu, MSW, Community School Coordinator, MLK Jr Middle School